Due to my experiences and those of others I would recommend the following "cut back" schedule as a guideline for hardgaining powerlifters or those who tend to overtrain fairly easily. I have used the previous cycle as an example and have cut down the exercises. (Note: since writing this I have spoken with Louie and the original was TOO MUCH)

Modified Louie Simmons Experience
1 10 sets of 3 reps- 5 grip widths 18,20,22,24,26 inches     
incline close grips 3 sets of 5    
palms facing seated db press    
   3 sets of 5    
reverse hyper 2 sets of 20
zercher squats to max triple    
kneeling squats 4 sets of 6    
chins 3 sets to failure    
reverse hypers 4 sets of 8    
weighted situps 3 sets of 10    
seated calf raise 4 sets of 15
close grip rack lockouts 2"to max single    
1/4 dips on box 4 sets of 8    
shrugs 3 sets of 6    
hammer curls -incline 3 sets of 8
box squat 12 sets of 2 60 seconds rest between sets    
arched back good morning 3 sets of 5    
reverse hypers 3 sets of 8    
weighted crunches 3 sets of 8    
seated calf 3 sets of 20
2 10 sets of 3 reps     
incline close grips 3 sets of 5    
palms facing seated db press    
   3 sets of 5    
db row 3 sets of 20    
reverse hyper 2 sets of 20
zercher squats to max triple    
kneeling squats 4 sets of 6    
chins 3 sets to failure    
reverse hypers 4 sets of 8    
weighted situps 3 sets of 10    
seated calf raise 4 sets of 15
close grip rack lockouts 3"to max single    
1/4 dips on box 4 sets of 8    
shrugs 3 sets of 6    
hammer curls -incline 3 sets of 8    
reverse hypers 2 sets of 20
box squat 12 sets of 2    
arched back good morning 3 sets of 5    
hyperextension 3 sets of 15    
reverse hypers 3 sets of 8    
weighted crunches 3 sets of 8    
seated calf 3 sets of 20
3 10 sets of 3 reps     
incline close grips 3 sets of 5    
palms facing seated db press    
   3 sets of 5    
db row 3 sets of 20    
reverse hyper 2 sets of 20
zercher squats to max triple    
kneeling squats 4 sets of 6    
chins 3 sets to failure    
reverse hypers 4 sets of 8    
weighted situps 3 sets of 10    
seated calf raise 4 sets of 15
close grip rack lockouts 4"to max single    
1/4 dips on box 4 sets of 8    
shrugs 3 sets of 6    
hammer curls -incline 3 sets of 8
box squat 12 sets of 2    
arched back good morning 3 sets of 5    
hyperextension 3 sets of 15    
reverse hypers 3 sets of 8    
weighted crunches 3 sets of 8    
seated calf 3 sets of 20
4 10 sets of 3 reps     
paul dicks press on floor 3 sets of 10    
plate reaises 3 sets of 10    
bb row to chest 3 sets of 10    
hammer curl 3sets of 10    
reverse hyper 2 sets of 20
zercher squats to max single    
kneeling squats 4 sets of 6    
reverse hypers 4 sets of 8    
knee raises 4 sets of 15    
seated calf raise 4 sets of 15
close grip rack lockouts 5"to max single    
1/4 dips on box 4 sets of 8    
v bar chins 3 sets of 8    
reverse hyper 2 sets of 20    
weighed situps 2 sets of 25
box squat 12 sets of 2    
arched back good morning 3 sets of 5    
hyperextension 3 sets of 15    
reverse hypers 3 sets of 8    
side bends 3 sets of 8    
seated calf 4 sets of 20
5 10 sets of 3 reps     
paul dicks press on floor 4 sets of 10    
plate reaises 3 sets of 10    
bb row to chest 3 sets of 10    
reverse hyper 2 sets of 20
zercher squats to max single    
kneeling squats 4 sets of 6    
chins 3 sets to failure    
reverse hypers 4 sets of 8    
weighted situps 3 sets of 10    
seated calf raise 4 sets of 15
close grip rack lockouts 6"to max single    
1/4 dips on box 3 sets of 8    
shrugs 3 sets of 6    
hammer curls -incline 3 sets of 8    
reverse hyper 2 sets of 20    
box squat 12 sets of 2    
arched back good morning 3 sets of 5    
reverse hypers 3 sets of 8    
side bends 3 sets of 8    
seated calf 4 sets of 20
6 10 sets of 3 reps     
paul dicks press on floor 4 sets of 10    
plate reaises 3 sets of 10    
bb row to chest 3 sets of 10    
reverse hyper 2 sets of 20
rack pulls plates 6" off floor to max single    
chins 3 sets of 8-10    
reverse hypers 3 sets of 8    
leg raises 3 sets of 10    
seated calf raise 3 sets of 10
incline db press-palms facing  pick a    weight and set rep max    
bb tri extension on floor 5 sets of 15    
trap bar shrugs 3 sets of 8    
hammer curls 2 sets of 20    
incline situps 2 sets
box squat 12 sets of 2    
deadlift from shins 2 sets of 20    
round back good morning 3 sets of    10    
reverse hypers 3 sets of 10    
spread eagle situps 2 sets of 15    
seated calf 4 sets of 10
7 10 sets of 3 reps     
wide grip low incline bench 3 sets of 8    
bb tri extension to neck 3 sets of 8    
paul dicks press 4 sets of 8    
plate raises 3 sets of 10    
reverse hyper 2 sets of 20
rack pulls plates 4" off floor to max    single    
chins 3 sets of 8-10    
reverse hypers 3 sets of 8    
leg raises 3 sets of 10    
seated calf raise 3 sets of 10
incline db press-palms facing  pick a    weight and set rep max    
bb tri extension on floor 5 sets of 15    
trap bar shrugs 3 sets of 8    
bent laterals 3 sets of 8    
hammer curls 2 sets of 20
box squat 12 sets of 2    
deadlift from shins 2 sets of 20    
round back good morning 3 sets of    10    
reverse hypers 3 sets of 10    
leg raises 3 sets of 15    
seated calf 4 sets of 10
8 10 sets of 3 reps     
take a 24" grip max today- 5 singles     
wide grip low incline bench 3 sets of 8    
bb tri extension to neck 3 sets of 8    
paul dicks press 4 sets of 8    
plate raises 3 sets of 10    
reverse hyper 2 sets of 20
rack pulls plates 4" off floor to max    single    
chins 3 sets of 8-10    
reverse hypers 3 sets of 8    
leg raises 3 sets of 10    
seated calf raise 3 sets of 10
incline db press-palms facing  pick a    weight and set rep max    
bb tri extension on floor 5 sets of 15    
trap bar shrugs 3 sets of 8    
bent laterals 3 sets of 8    
wide chins 3 sets of 8    
hammer curls 2 sets of 20
box squat 12 sets of 2    
deadlift from shins 2 sets of 20    
reverse hypers 3 sets of 10    
spread eagle situps 2 sets of 15    
seated calf 4 sets of 10    
manual neck work    
crunches 100
9 10 sets of 3 reps     
wide grip low incline bench 3 sets of 8    
bb tri extension to neck 3 sets of 8    
paul dicks press 4 sets of 8    
plate raises 3 sets of 10    
reverse hyper 2 sets of 20    
crunches 100
deadlift 65% for 15 singles - 50    seconds    rest    
Stiff legged deadlift 4 sets of 5    
reverse grip chins    
weighted situps supersetted w/side bends    
reverse hypers 4 sets of 10    
seated calf raise    
crunches 100
floor presses 18 ' grip to max single    
1/2 dips(arms at 90 degree angle) 6 sets    of 3-5 reps    
laterals 3 sets of 8    
v bar chins 3 sets of 15    
reverse hyper 4 sets of 20    
crunches 100
box squat 12 sets of 2    
arched back good morning 3 sets of    5    
hyperextension 3 sets of 8    
reverse hypers 4 sets of 8    
crunches 100
10 10 sets of 3 reps     
french presses 3 sets of 10    
bb press medium close grip 3 sets of 8    
db row 3 sets of 10    
bb curl 3-4 sets of 10    
reverse hyper 4 sets of 20    
crunches 125
deadlift 70% for 15 singles - 50    seconds    rest    
Stiff legged deadlift 4 sets of 5    
weighted situps supersetted w/side bends    
reverse hypers 4 sets of 10    
seated calf raise 3 sets of 10    
crunches 125
floor presses 18 ' grip to max single    
1/2 dips(arms at 90 degree angle) 6 sets    of 3-5 reps    
trap bar shrug 3 sets of 15    
v bar chins 3 sets of 15    
reverse hyper 4 sets of 20    
crunches 125
box squat 12 sets of 2    
take a weight - loose suit & wraps   
arched back good morning 3 sets of    5    
hyperextension 3 sets of 8    
reverse hypers 4 sets of 8    
crunches 100   
11 10 sets of 3 reps     
french presses 4sets of 10    
bb press medium close grip 3 sets of 8    
db row 3 sets of 10    
bb curl 4 sets of 10    
reverse hyper 3 sets of 20    
crunches 125
deadlift 75% for 12 singles - 50    seconds    rest    
Stiff legged deadlift 4 sets of 5    
weighted situps supersetted w/side bends    
reverse hypers 4 sets of 10    
seated calf raise 3 sets of 10    
crunches 125
floor presses 18 ' grip to max single    
1/2 dips(arms at 90 degree angle) 4 sets of 5 reps    
laterals 3 sets of 8    
v bar chins 2 sets of 10
box squat 12 sets of 2    
arched back good morning 3 sets of  5    
reverse hypers 4 sets of 8    
weighted crunches 3 sets of 8    
seated calf 2 sets of 10
12 10 sets of 3 reps     
french presses 5sets of 10    
bb press medium close grip 3 sets of 8    
db row 3 sets of 10    
bb curl 3 sets of 10
deadlift 80% for 8 singles - 50    seconds    rest    
Stiff legged deadlift 4 sets of 5    
chins w/eagle loops 3 sets of 8    
weighted situps supersetted w/side bends    
reverse hypers 4 sets of 10    
seated calf raise 3 sets of 10    
crunches 175
board press - 2 grips/2 heights to max single    
bb ext on floor 4 sets of 8    
db ext -palms facing 3 sets of 12    
trap bar upright row 3 sets of 10    
leg raises 3 sets of 15    
reverse hypers 3 sets of 20
box squat 12 sets of 2    
arched back good morning 3 sets of  5    
reverse hypers 4 sets of 8    
crunches 175
13 10 sets of 3 reps     
paul dicks press 3 sets of 8    
dips 3 sets of 8    
crunches 175
deadlift 85% for 6 singles - 50    seconds    rest    
Stiff legged deadlift 3 sets of 5    
chins w/eagle loops 2 sets of 8    
weighted situps supersetted w/side bends    
reverse hypers 3 sets of 15    
seated calf raise 3 sets of 10    
crunches 175
As you can see, the modified schedule contains the main "meat" of the original program but the number of exercises and reps have been reduced. It might also be beneficial to change the weekly schedule from a Sunday-Monday-Wednesday-Friday order to an every other day plan. This would give an additional 24 hours of recovery time between the Bench and Deadlift days. This alone might have enabled me to remain illness free.

I received the most benefit from the zercher squats,good mornings and the reverse hypers(in the SQ and DL. These greatly strengthened my lower back. In the bench press, my weakest point has been from about 2/3 to lockout. The emphasis on tricep work has strengthened my lockout power considerably.

Another concern is that the system may not be benficial for "RAW" lifters. There may be something to this. I noticed that I was a little weaker off the chest in the bench press due to the emphasis on lockout work. With a bench press shirt on this would not present a problem, however, if you don't wear a shirt you would be in trouble. Louie recommends that if you don't wear a shirt you should use aslightly higher percentage on your speed day. I think that alternating in a couple of weeks of heavy (5-8 reps) pec/delt work would alleviate this.(note: since I wrote the above I have done several heavy pec days and the bottom end power is returning- also Louie now recommends a mincycle on wide (outside the rings) benches) Similar concerns are noted in the squat and deadlift. For the most part I perfomed the SQ and DL work "suitless" or with a suit bottom only. The biggest problem I have had in preparing for a RAW meet is that Louie teaches you to suck up a big breath of air and force your abs out to increase interabdominal pressure. This works quite well but if you plan to lift beltless you will be in trouble when you try to push your abs out. Performing seated good mornings, crunches, and weighted ab work will help if you concentrate on FLEXING the abs and making them as solid as possible. If you use a belt ......then disregard the above.

Oh well, live and learn. Well, the kids are sleeping and I should be too! BYE.

Please feel free to email me with any questions or comments regarding this summary.

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