Remember this?
The coalition. Man, oh
man. I remember seeing the picture in PLUSA of several
powerlifting leaders seated around a table looking all buddy buddy.
I thought, "gee maybe we should see some cooperation in Powerlifting
A short time ago,
I asked what happened to the coalition. No one seemed to know.
"It fell apart" or "It didn't work" was all I heard.
Mike Armstrong, CPU President, was kind enough to send me the
minutes of the original meeting.
Last year we witnessed
a lot of (ahem) "communication" between the USPF and USAPL
in the pages of PLUSA as they battled for IPF affiliation. As we
near the middle of 1998 and the alliance between the AAUPC and WDFPF
has fallen apart, we can all hear the winds of ill will blowing strongly
as the torch of blame is passed once again.
Read the report.
Look at the goals set forth and think about them. Pay particular
attention to points 2, 5 and 8. Boy, these sure have been trampled,
haven't they.
Reported by Grahame Fong, President IPF
31 July, 1996
On Friday 26 July, 1996 a historic meeting took place between the heads
of six powerlifting federations. Those attending were: Mike Overdeer -President
ADFPA, Allan Seigel - Chairman AAU, Troy Ford and Robert Stephens - President
and Vice-President WNPF and John Schaeffer and Marvin Teter - President
and executive member - IPA, Grahame Fong, President IPF, and Don Haley,
-President USPF.
The meeting resulted from my invitation, extended through PL USA, for
the heads of all
federations to meet 'in Philadelphia during the USPF Nationals, and
I was extremely encouraged by the very positive responses.
It quickly, became obvious that all parties shared many common principles
and that we were all sincere in our wish to promote powerlifting in a positive
As a result of the meeting the following principles were agreed to:
1. We do not condone the use of performance enhancing drugs in powerlifting. |
2. Subject to legal advice each organization will respect the drug
testing suspensions of the other organizations. |
3. The following organizations recognize urinalysis testing only: IPF,
IPA. The following organizations recognize urinalysis and polygraph testing:
4. We agree that the use of supportive equipment has gone too far.
As a first step in addressing this problem we agree that only single
ply equipment may be used with the exception of the IPA where single ply
will be used for its amateur division and no more than double ply in its
professional division. |
5. No organization will make negative public statements about any
other organization. |
6. We invite all other organizations to co-operate with us to promote
the sport of
powerlifting. |
7. We agree that the coordinator for the coalition of these organizations
will be Grahame Fong. |
8. We agree that our prime objective is to positively promote the
sport of powerlifting. |
Grahame Fong, President IPF
Mike Overdeer, President ADFPA
Troy Ford, President WNPF
Allan Siegel, Chairman AAU
John Schaeffer, President IPA
Don Haley, President USPF
26 July 1996
We all recognized that factionalisation was hurting our sport and that
moves towards co-operation solidarity and (hopefully) unification were
long overdue. The principles agreed to are a very promising prelude to
further agreements in the future and I am confident that it is only a matter
of time before many lifting bodies realize that they have much in common
and little is achieved by continuing with so many organizations. Indeed,
if we do not sort out this
unsatisfactory situation it will continue to hurt our sport as there
is confusion with the general public. Sponsors, and other sports bodies
on which powerlifting federations have
the credibility, size and status to truly, represent our sport.
I wish to make it clear that the coalition is not another federation
(we have enough of these already!!) In calling the meeting my objective,
and the objective of all those attending was to establish a means whereby
the different federations had a forum to establish and discuss common issues
related to powerlifting.
The principles already agreed to are a very promising start and I anticipate
that we will
quickly turn our focus to important priorities such as full solidarity/unification,
recognition, promotion of our sport, common lifting rules, excessive
use of support gear, drug abuse, etc.
I was very privileged to be appointed the coordinator of the coalition.
But I wish to make it absolutely clear that this is not a position driven
by egotism or aspiration for positions of power which is why I deliberately
discouraged the use of titles such as president or chairman as this would
incorrectly imply that I was in a superior position to anyone else.
I very much appreciated the efforts and contributions of all those who
attended the meeting. I also extend a warm invitation to the heads of other
organizations to become a party to the principles already agreed to, and
to join us as we work to achieve our objectives. I know that many of you
already subscribe to our established preliminary principles and as others
join us we will grow from strength to strength which can only benefit our
Let's get it together in 98. On a positive
note, the USAPL Nationals in JULY looks to bring together, on the same
platform, a lot of the lifters from the former ADFPA and the USPF.
Also, Scott Taylor, APA President, is putting together a "unification"
Nationals that would allow lifters to lift in the same place, under their
respective organizations banner and compete for one set of records.
So far, it looks like NASA and the USPF are getting on board for this.
I don't know how it will work out but the idea seems like a good one. If
the first meet goes well maybe in 3-5 years or so we will see all the organizations
lifting together under the same rules if not the same banner.
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