Dr. Michael Hartle 

This month's article will focus on important recent developments in the supplement industry and how these 
developments affect drug tests. 

In theFebruary issue of Clean Power you will find a statement from the USAPL Drug Testing Committee regarding positive drug tests and recent developments in the supplement industry. READ IT VERY CAREFULLY!!! The information in it is very important. 

One of the recent trends I have observed is a lot of lifters are taking substances that can or will elevate their 
Testosterone/Epitestosterone ratio and could also test the athlete positive for various anabolic steroids. I want all USAPL members to realize several things: 
1. Taking substances/supplements that elevate your T/E ratio above 6 to 1 and/or test positive for anabolic steroids is illegal and will result in a suspension from USAPL; 
2. The taking of  any supplement that will elevate your natural testosterone levels is dangerous as this is externally and without proper knowledge manipulating your natural hormone levels (see my previous article on DHEA ). 
This can cause other domino effect problems for other areas of the body. 

In June of 1996, the NGB voted that we follow the banned substance list of the USOC. For lifters to become better educated about what is and what is not a banned substance, I suggest the following: 
1. Contact the USOC Drug Hotline at 800-233-0393 to ask questions; 
2. Check out the USOC Drug Control Education web page at http://www.olympic-usa.org/inside/in_1_3_7_1.html for information on banned substances; 

Please realize that you as a lifter are entirely responsible for whatever you put into your body. I, along with the entire Executive Committee, do not want to see lifters taking legal, over the counter supplements that contain USOC/USAPL banned substances that will cause a positive drug test and receive a suspension from our organization. I personally hate to see that. Please take the responsibility to educate yourself. Ask if you are not sure. 
Next month I will get back to discussing training injuries. I have had many great comments regarding the last two articles about DHEA and cortisone. I will occasionally switch from discussing training injuries to writing nutritional articles. Until then, lift strong and lift smart!! 

Please send your questions for the Sports Medicine Committee to Dr. Michael Hartle, 3835 W. Jefferson Blvd., Ft. Wayne, IN,  46804.  If you would like a personal response, please send a SASE with $2.00 to cover additional postage and other expenses. I also welcome your comments on the committee/column.  You can contact me at (219) 432-7339/ FAX (219) 745-1098/ e-mail at pwrdoc@mail.fwi.com.   Michael A. Hartle, D.C., D.A.C.B.N., C.C.S.P., C.S.C.S., E.M.T. 

Michael A. Hartle, D.C., D.A.C.B.N., C.C.S.P., C.C.N.,  C.S.C.S., E.M.T. is the USAPL Vice-President and the Chairman of the Sports Medicine Committee.He is an National Referee and a nationally ranked competitor in the USAPL.Dr. Hartle is also the developer and webmaster of the USAPL's Internet Website.  He contributes on a regular basis sports medicine and nutritionarticles for various publications, including the USAPL web site.  He treats and consults with numerous athletes, from the local to the elite level, oninjury treatment and prevention, nutritional advice (especially sports nutrition) and proper sport specific strength and conditioning training.Dr. Hartle just finished construction on his first fitness center where he will be able to more closely monitor his patient's and athletes progressduring their rehabilitation.  Dr. Hartle is in private practice with his wife, Dr. Monique Levesque-Hartle, also a competitive powerlifter.  

Reproduction of this article, in whole or part, for any purpose other than personal use is prohibited without written consent. Copyright 1998 Dr. Michael Hartle. 