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  • Entry Forms for the 2003 USAPL California State PL and State BP meets are online. Check the Events page.
  • Congratulations to Steve and Lisa Denison (and the whole So-Cal crew)  who promoted their first USAPL meet last weekend. Great meet with a nice turnout including a number of first time lifters and two high school teams. Great job! Results and record updates will be online soon.
  • Speaking of new lifters, this message contains a surprise for one California lifter. Ryan Hebeler has been to a lot of meets in the past couple of years and seems to always turn up at meets with new lifters.  Several people have told me that Ryan makes lifting fun and is a great representative of the sport and for USAPL here in California. Thanks to one of our Sponsors - Inzer Advance Designs - I'd like to say thank you to Ryan with something a little more tangible than a card.  A Gift Certificate for a new Inzer Phenom Bench Shirt! Thanks for all you do Ryan.
  • Results of NorCal Winter Classic are on line and records have been updated. (best viewed w/Netscape. Having some trouble with IE display)
  • Rules Page added to site. Check links at left.
  • Rules Update from IPF/USAPL :
  • Technical and Order of Competition Rule Changes
    Posted Friday, January 17, 2003 @ 12:38 AM CST by Tony Cardella
    Technical and Order of Competition Rule Changes
    Following IPF Congress, and Executive Committee Meeting
    December 1, 2002

    The IPF Congress passed a number of rule changes which will impact USAPL competition. These changes have been reviewed by the USAPL Executive Committee, and some will be implemented in all competition, while some will only apply to World Team qualifiers run under “IPF Rules.”

    Those changes which apply to all USAPL competition:

    1) In the event of a tie, in terms of individual lift or total, or for the purposes of setting a record, and the lifters setting such marks weighed in at the same bodyweight, NO REWEIGH will take place. Rather, the first lifter reaching the mark in question, i.e. the individual lift, or receiving the total will be declared the winner, or the record holder, as appropriate.

    2) If an attempt isn’t submitted within one minute of the lifter receiving the lights for the preceeding lift, he or she will have an attempt entered for them, as follows: if the lifter makes the preceeding attempt, he or she will have a weight entered for the next attempt which is 2.5 kg. heavier than the last attempt. If he or she fails at the preceeding attempt, the weight entered for the next attempt will be the same as the failed lift. PLEASE NOTE: these rules only apply if an attempt is not declared for the next attempt.

    3) The age of Master’s competition changes as follows: a lifter becomes eligible for USAPL Master I (40-44) competition on January 1 of the calendar year that they turn 40. They will be eligible for USAPL Master III (50-54) on January 1 of the calendar year they turn 50. They will become eligible for USAPL Master V (60-64) competition on January 1 the year they turn 60. Records will, however, be kept as they have, i.e., based on the date the lifter reaches a given birthday.

    4) The bar, in the bench press must be lowered to the chest, not the abdomen. The chest is defined as the ribcage, and determination of this is at the discretion of the referees.

    The following IPF rule changes will take effect only at World Team Qualifiers, and NOT at local or state level competition at this time, but these changes will be phased in in the future:

    1) Suits: As of January 1, 2003, Marathon lifting suits will not be legal at World Team qualifiers (which are held under IPF rules).

    2) Footgear: As of now, footgear used in World Team Qualifiers, which are held under IPF rules must consist of INDOOR ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR. Hiking boots, work boots, etc. are no longer allowed.

  • State Chair's Message for September has important info. Just Click the "Chair" link.
  • The Coming Event's Page has been updated.
  • Team California T-Shirts are available for purchase.

  • Results of the 2002 State Bench Press Meet are now online. Just click the "Results" link!
  • Pictures from December's Nor-Cal meet are up on Pictures Page. If you have pics from State Meet or State Bench, please send em in!

  • Effective immediately , the USAPL Executive Committee has approved the process of grandfathering current USPF referees into USA Powerlifting at their current rank. Referees must have the endorsement of a USAPL referee of equivalent rank, provide a resume showing active involvement and currency as a USPF referee, and go through a rules clinic.  The rules clinic can be done prior to the meets themselves, as we will not require a practical or written test.  Additionally, all interested candidates must provide a photocopy of their USPF refs card/front page (i.e.-date of becoming an official etc. with signature) and a copy of their valid USAPL card to the California State Chair or USAPL Referees Committee Chair Bill Clayton.  USAPL cards may be purchased to initiate the process.

  • Team California was well represented at the 2001 USAPL Men’s Nationals which, by weekend’s end, became a test of survival.  By Sunday, three of the team’s seven members were left standing led by Scott Layman (Bakersfield) who finished third in the 67.5 kg class.  Scott increased his total by 27.5 lb. over last year’s second place finish.  Mike Kautz (Dixon), set a PR in the bench for the second consecutive year, finishing in eighth in the 125 kg. class.  Mike also improved his total by 6 lb. over last year’s performance when he finished third which only proves the quality of competition at national championships continues to get better and better.  Bruce Lee (Windsor), former Masters National Champion, came to show the younger guys a thing or two in the SHW class going 6 for 9 for a well earned sixth place finish.
  • Team California, including six current or former National Bench Press Champions, will be back in full force at 2001 USAPL Bench Nationals to be held in Cleveland, OH on September 22-23.  Any lifter, male or female, interested in competing on the team, please contact Lance Slaughter at .
  • USA Powerlifting has a new online newsletter called POWERLINES. Check it out here .