Maximum Effort Workouts
The Westside method is a Periodisation
program known as Conjugated Periodisation. This simply put means that several
abilities are coupled together throughout the training. The western method
of periodisation separates these variables while this Westside method puts
it all together at the same time. The entire Westside method is centered
around three basic methods of strength development Maximal Effort, Dynamic
Effort Method, and the Repetition Method.
Maximal Effort method is considered by many coaches and athletes as being
the superior method of strength development. It places great demands on
both intramuscular and intermuscular coordination and well as stimulating
the muscular and central nervous system. These demand force the body into
greater adaptation. This adaptation is what is responsible for strength
gains. When training using the max effort method the central nervous system
inhibition is reduced, thus the maximal number of motor units are activated
with optimal discharge frequency (Zatsiorisky). The one draw back to using
this method is that you cannot train with weights above 90 percent for
much longer than three weeks before the nervous system begins to weaken.
When this happen your strength will begin to diminish. This is one of the
major reasons why progressive overload will only work for so long. With
this in mind and knowing how good this method is in the development of
strength development Westside set out to find away around this three-week
barrier. The way to over come it is to switch the exercises used for the
max effort method every one to tree weeks. This keep the body fresh so
the method can be used year round.
Effort Parameters |
(Intensity) |
90 to 100%
of Exercises |
Repetitions |
Interval |
2 to 5 minutes
/ Week |
1 (Squat Day) / 1(Bench Day)
per Exercise |
So how
do you use this method? The best way to utilize the max effort method is
deciding on one main exercise that will be trained with this method. After
a proper general warm up you proceed to this exercise and begin to warm
up with the bar. Taking small weight increases you begin to work up in
weight with sets of three reps. when three reps begins to feel heavy you
drop down to single repetitions. This is when you begin to try to max out
on the exercise. Keep increasing the weight until you have reached your
one rep max. Make sure to keep track of what this record is because this
is what you will try to beat next time out. A max effort exercise would
look like this:
Sets |
Reps |
Weight |
Floor Press
2 |
5 |
45 |
2 |
3 |
95 |
1 |
3 |
135 |
1 |
3 |
185 |
1 |
3 |
225 |
1 |
3 |
275 |
1 |
1 |
315 |
1 |
1 |
365 |
1 |
1 |
405 |
1 |
1 |
425 |
In the
above example, 425 would represent the lifters one-rep max. This is the
number that should be recorded to break on a later date. It is very important
to only use this method with only one exercise per workout and no more
than one time per week for each lift. The Westside method schedules one
max effort day for the bench and one for the squat and dead lift as follows:
Max Effort Day for the Squat and Dead lift
Max Effort Day for the Bench Press
many of the same muscle are used for the squat and dead lift, they are
trained on the same day. Actually very little dead lifting is performed
with this style of training because of this reason.
Max Effort Exercises should also be closely related to the squat, bench
press and dead lift, and all should have a very high strength carry over
value. These exercises include: Box Squats, Good Mornings, and Dead lift
for the squat and dead lift days and Board, floor, Close Grip. Incline
and Band Press for the Bench Press. These are just a sample list of over
1000 different max effort exercises that can be performed for max effort
days. See index for complete list
best max effort exercise for the squat and dead lift are Good Mornings,
Low Box Squat and Dead lift. The good morning is probably the best overall
exercise for strength development and should be utilized 70 percent of
all Max effort days. There are several different types of Good Morning
that can be performed. Good morning using a variety of different bars such
as the safety squat bar, buffalo bar, and cambered bar are classics at
Westside barbell. Many of these good mornings are performed suspended from
chains. By suspending the bar from the power rack to perform the good morning
(Anderson good mornings or suspended good mornings) you are creating the
same specificity as when you dead lift. This is because you start the dead
lift without any eccentric or lowering motion. This is also true when you
have to squat under a suspended barbell and lift it to a standing position.
best max effort exercises for the bench press are the Floor Press, Board
Press, Close Grip Bench Press, JM Press, and Reverse Band Presses. All
Pressing motions! As with the squat and dead lift max effort exercises,
there are several variations of each movement. Each exercise has a specific
function. For instance, the floor press takes your legs out of the motion
so greater emphasis is placed on the pecs, delts and triceps. The close
grip incline press takes your lats out of the motion so there is greater
emphasis placed on the deltoids and triceps. The board press also take
your lats out of the motion and provide you with the opportunity to train
at specific points of the bench press.
max effort meso cycle should only last 1 to 3 weeks with the later being
for the novice and intermediate strength athlete. The more advanced the
athlete the shorter the time spent per cycle or time spent per max effort
exercise. This is due to the neuromuscular coordination and motor learning.
The advanced athlete can call upon more motor unit activation (use more
muscle) than the novice. For example the novice may use 40% of their total
muscle while the advanced will be able to use 80%. The second reason is
the neuromuscular and muscular coordination. The advanced lifter has always
figured out and mastered how to do the movement. His body knows what to
do and when. The novice athlete has not figured out how to do the movement
and is far from mastering it. This will allow the novice to progress and
break records for around three weeks on each max effort exercise. This
however will not be the case for the advanced athlete. These athletes will
have one good week where they break a record then will be unable to break
it for the next two weeks. So the solution is simple, switch every week!
This will allow you to break records each week and avoided overstraining.
Max effort training by the way is a process of learning how to better synchronize
the muscle involvement. This is because of the activation of the central
nervous system as well as other factors such as motivation and concentration.
If you
do not always break a record, don’t worry about it. The strain is more
important than the record itself. With this in mind, if you happen to break
your record and it was very easily to the point you really didn’t strain,
then you must take another record where you actually strain.
Dave Tate cscs
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