Interviewed by: Deepsquatter
Q: Can you give us some backgroundinfo
on yourself (age, education, occupation, funny middle name, etc.)?
I am 34 years old.My education
consists of a Bachelor's degree in Social Science Educationand I am currently
finishing my Master's in Education. I teach psychology,Government, U. S.
History, and Economics. I also have my certificationfrom the NSCA (CSCS).
This stands for certified strength and conditioningspecialist. I have been
a teacher and coach for the last 11 years and Iam currently employed at
Vincennes Lincoln High School in Vincennes, IN.I do not have a funny middle
name, but I have a multitude of nicknamesincluding Big B, Big Daddy B,
Power B, and my newest moniker given by theAxeman, Skullcrusher!
Q: How did you get into powerlifting?
I got interested inlifting
probably around the 7th grade. I really was bitten by the liftingbug when
I saw Conan the Barbarian. I did full meets in college and thentook a lot
of years off from meets. I have not missed a week of training in 15years
even with back surgery. I started doing bench meets when I was 28.
Q: What is your favorite
lift? Least favorite? I know you've got the big bench but do you do allthree
lifts or are you primarily a specialist?
My favorite lift, believe
it or not, is the squat. There is nothing like having iron on the back.I
do not have a least favorite lift unless you count curls and kickbacks,etc.
Of course, I like the bench because I am fairly successful at it.I have
been hindered in the squat by my back flaring up from an L5 removal.I have
alleviated some pain by my mental approach. I read a book on overcomingback
pain by utilizing the mind and believe it or not, it has worked. Ialso
thoroughly enjoy strongman type training using steel logs, wheelbarrows,and
Q: What are your best lifts?The
ones you're most proud of? Titles you've held/won?
My best bench thus
far is a 620 at 233 lbs. I have also done 605 at 224 lbs. My best gym lift
is a close-grip bench of 400 for 10 weighing 230 sans equipment. I willlet
you know about the other two lifts, the squat and dead, after thisyear.
I plan on doing a few full meets. I do not worry about titles. Ihave been
in national and world meets with success, but I pay no heed totrophies
and titles. Someone can be Mr. Watermelon Seed Festival champand total
what some people bench in all 3 lifts. I lift for PR's and formy own fulfillment.
I believe the true test is if your peers think youare the real deal. Louie
Simmons has said I am strong and says he wouldlisten to what I had to say,
so this is what it is all about.
Q: What are your future goals
in the sport?
My future goals are rather
simple. I want to bench 400 lbs. over body weight and total 2000 in a full
meet. I also want to stay healthy so I can lift pain free until Iam
ready to hang it up.
Q: I know you've got a cousinthat
is coming up the ranks fast. Is is genetics or similar training orboth?
My cousin is Eric Patterson
and I believe he is now 24. His mother and my mother are sisters from farming
backgrounds. I taught Eric everything he knows. (LOL) I believe it is similar
genetics and training philosophy. He
is also in love with the
iron and is very bright. He has lifted since the 6th or 7th grade and recently
totaled 1800+ at 220. The other factor is a strong work ethic. We learnby
experimenting and constantly reading and seeking other's advice.
Q) You seem to have the benchshirt
figured out pretty well. How should a shirt fit? I know you prefer denim.
Are there fit differences between denim and poly.
Well Deep , I really do nothave
the shirts figured out. It is hit or miss with me. Fortunately, itis mostly
a positive experience when I don the shirt. I never train with it on and
perhaps I should to save my shoulders.
I do prefer the denim and
I like the velcro in back because I am claustrophobic. A shirt should fit
tight. I am now experimenting with an open back design suggested by Sebastian
(Burns) and his crew from New York.
Q: What about supplementation?
What kind of diet and supplement regimen do you follow?
My diet is a lot of chicken
breasts and beef. I do not watch what I eat because I have a fast metabolism
and I can always gain to be a full 242 pounder. My father is nicknamed
Slim and I guess I inherited his metabolism.
I do not use a lot of supplements.
I do use creatine off and on and Kava Kava to relax. Before meets I tendto
use more things for recuperation such as protein drinks.
Q: Who has influenced youin
this sport? Helped you the most?
I have a lot of people whohave
helped me in this sport. Lou Simmons has been a great help and a rolemodel.
Dave Tate, Bob Youngs, Gritter, Chris Taylor, and Deep have helped me with
training advice and equipment
Sebastian and Axeman
have provided lifting and music advice. I love new music for lifting. The
two go hand in hand. I will say that powerlifting is unique because eventhe
top dogs are more than willing to help. Of all the
guys I listed, noone has
ever failed to respond to an inquiry. That says a lot about thecharacter
of these guys. That is why I despise people who attack and criticizeon
the forums without getting to know the individuals.
I am not innocent of never
being critical, but we all should be thankful that in our sport egos exist,
but do not rule.
Q: The Strength Site is abouttraining.
Would you share some of your squat training ideas with the readers?How
did you build that awesome bench?
I usually squat off a 15"box
and do 12 sets of 2 reps. I then do my speed deads or strap goodmorning/deads.
There is no big secret to my squatting protocol. I do have a reverse hyper
and I like to push trucks on squat day as well as pushing wheelbarrows
filled with about 400 lbs. We race these down the alley. I train the squatwithout
equipment except a belt when I get around 450-500 on thebar. I am
going to start using briefs as suggested by
Dave Tate to prolongmy career, if that's what you call it.
A killer workout is with
the steellog. Doing full cleans and presses for sets of 10-20 reps will
kill ya!I built my bench by concentrating on technique and triceps strength.
I donot claim to be the biggest guy, but I do try to have good form. My
bench workouts are never the same and I constantly try innovative things.
Someone once said that most people go through life without a single original
thought. I do not want that label. I do steal a lot of ideas , but that
is something I am proud of, not ashamed of. A person who is too arrogant
to try newthings is someone who will be beaten in the meet.
Q:Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I would especially like to
thank my wife, Kelly, for putting up with my lifting and being supportive
of all I do. She has always welcomed strangers into our home because
she knows that they have to be good people because they Powerlift. I want
tothank my training crew: Mike , Garrett, Doug, and especially Tony and
Brad.I would also like to thank you, Deep, for allowing me to speak my
Thank you, Glenn, for taking the time to speak
with us.
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